Navigating Behavioural Interviews: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to your guide on navigating behavioural interviews. These interviews are often a significant hurdle in job hunting, but with the right preparation, you can turn this hurdle into an opportunity. At JobScope, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide to help you understand and excel in behavioural interviews. Ready to start navigating your interviews with ease? Let’s dive in.

1. Understand the Purpose of Behavioural Interviews

Behavioural interviews aim to get a clear picture of your past behaviour in specific situations. Employers believe past behavior is a strong predictor of future performance. They want to understand your decision-making process, how you approach problem-solving, handle conflicts, and work within a team. By sharing specific examples, you demonstrate your skills and competencies, giving them a better idea of your fit for the role.

2. Identify Common Behavioral Interview Questions

Knowing the types of questions you could be asked is a great start. Common behavioral interview questions revolve around key competencies. Questions may include: “Tell me about a time you faced a challenging situation and how you handled it?” or “Give an example of when you had to work with a difficult team member.” By identifying these common questions, you can prepare relevant examples that showcase your skills.

3. Use the STAR Method

The STAR method provides a structured approach to answering behavioral interview questions:

  • Situation: Describe the context or setting of the situation.
  • Task: Explain the task you were given and what you needed to achieve.
  • Action: Detail the specific actions you took to complete the task.
  • Result: Share the outcome of your actions.

For example, if asked about a time you resolved a conflict, you could respond:

  • Situation: “In my previous role, we had a team member who consistently missed deadlines, affecting our project timelines.”
  • Task: “As the project lead, it was my responsibility to address this issue and ensure the project stayed on track.”
  • Action: “I scheduled a private meeting with the individual, expressing my concerns diplomatically. We discussed possible solutions and agreed on an action plan that included regular check-ins and progress reports.”
  • Result: “The team member improved significantly in meeting deadlines, which positively impacted the overall project timeline.”
4. Prepare Examples

Spend time reflecting on your past experiences to identify examples that demonstrate the competencies employers are looking for. These examples can come from any area of your life – work experience, school projects, volunteer work, etc. The key is to choose examples that best highlight your skills and abilities relevant to the job you’re applying for.

5. Practice, Practice, Practice

Practicing your responses will make you more comfortable during the actual interview. Rehearse your examples using the STAR method, ensuring your responses are clear and concise. This will help you confidently share your experiences and skills during the interview.

6. Show Your Learning and Growth

When discussing the results of your actions, highlight what you learned from the situation and how it contributed to your professional growth. This shows employers that you are not only capable of handling challenges but also of learning from them and using that knowledge to improve.

7. Follow Up After the Interview

A thank-you note after the interview can leave a positive impression. In your note, express your appreciation for the opportunity, reiterate your interest in the role, and highlight a key point from the interview that stood out to you. This shows your professionalism and keeps you fresh in the interviewer’s mind.


With thorough preparation and practice, you can master behavioral interviews and leave a lasting impression on your potential employer. Remember, the key is to showcase your skills and experiences in a way that aligns with the job role you’re applying for.

Want more tips on career development? Don’t forget to check out JobScope’s other resources for job seekers.

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